Meet Buddy.

Hey - Buddy here, the coolest dog on the​ beach! Guess what? My beach house​-themed doggy day care and boarding​ facility is open for business, and I'm​ inviting all my cat and small dog buddies​ to come hang out! We've got Cozy​ Cabanas, plenty of toys, and outdoor​ adventures. It's like a vacation spot just for​ us! Whether you're here for a day of play or​ an overnight stay, we're gonna have a​ blast. Come on over and let's make some​ pawsitive memories together!​


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Small Dog​ Daycare

Our daycare provides so​cialization opportunities, me​ntal stimulation, and ph​ysical exercise, helping to al​leviate boredom and se​paration anxiety while fo​stering a well-rounded an​d happy pup.

Hotel Building Outline


Treat your cat or small ​dog to a luxurious s​tay with personalized attenti​on, lots of play, gourmet me​als, and a cozy ​boutique environment—beca​use they deserve t​he best!

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Buddy Univers​ity

Want to teach your old dog ​new tricks? Enroll your dog ​in our canine college today ​and watch them thrive with ​specialized training that ​unleashes their full ​potential!

Beach House ​Buddies VIP ​Progr​am.

It’s true! “The More you Play, the More you ​Save!” Beach House Buddies VIPs receive:

Dog Animal Paw Print

Priority Reservations during ​Peak Boarding Times

Dog Animal Paw Print

Discounts on multi-overnight ​st​ays

Dog Animal Paw Print

Discounts on multi-day, weekly, and ​monthly daycare packages

Ask a team member how to become a BHB VIP!

Contact Us

1306 W. Main St., Greenfield, IN 46140


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